The state of ZACATECAS includes cities with street and avenue name,
which you can search through entering data such as: State, city, street or street crossing.
Included cities: Apozol, Plateros, Calera Victor Rosales, Río Grande, Concepcion del Oro, Sombrerete, Fresnillo,
Tlaltenango, Jalpa, Valparaiso, Jerez, Villanueva, Loreto, Zacatecas, Nochistlan.
The map features are: - Highways - Roads - Dirt roads - Trails -
Railroad tracks- Cities - Towns - Neighborhoods - Ranches - Airports - Contour lines every 30 mts - Hill names- Points of interes t- Rivers -
Toll booths - Rural areas - State lines- Lakes and dams- Nature reserves- Gas stations- Hospitals - Schools - Bus stations - Shopping malls-
Sports areas- Government offices- Markets - Etc.
* The state of ZACATECAS is included in MAP E32 along with the rest of the country.